Get Cash Back

There are many choices for company healthcare, but few that offer real, true benefits for your business. Now with the IIS Health Insurance Consortium plan, the benefits are tangible for your company and employees. Not only do the benefits mimic those of a larger group plan, but their program offers the opportunity to get cash back at the end of the year if employees stay healthy.


Employee Health Rewards

With big insurance company plans, the premium just goes away. With the IIS Health Insurance Consortium, your company gets a portion of the unused premium back when your employees remain healthy! That way, employee health becomes something that you support, encourage, and can even invest in.

Bigger Company Benefits

Think of a consortium plan as a buyer’s club whose goal is to gain favorable pricing while protecting the members and enabling steady and successful growth and coverage through a self-funded model. Rather than tackling the self-funded responsibilities on your own, the program groups small companies together, creating a larger group to absorb the risk.


Get Cash Back

There are many choices for company healthcare, but few that offer real, true benefits for your company and your employees. Now with the IIS Healthcare Consortium plan, the benefits are tangible for the companies and their employees. Not only are the benefits good for employees, but their program offers the opportunity to get cash back at the end of the year if employees stay healthy.



When employees stay healthy your company can actually get a portion of the unused premium back! With big insurance company plans, the premium just goes away. With the IIS Health Insurance Consortium, employee health become something that you support, encourage, and can even invest in


Favorable Pricing

Think of it as a buyer’s club whose goal is to gain favorable pricing while protecting the members and enabling steady and successful growth and coverage through a self funded model. Rather than tackling the self-funded responsibilities on your own, a consortium plan groups small companies together creating a larger group to absorb the risk.





100% Transparency

Have you ever heard of a health insurance plan described as one with 100% transparency, where you make your own rules, develop your own plan and get the chance to get money back at the end of the year? Integrated Insurance Solutions is bringing you a plan that does all of this and more.


Be The Boss Of Your Insurance

This isn’t just a great health plan. This is YOUR great health plan. With a consortium model, a smaller or medium-sized business can gain the same benefits as a large group plan. Seeing how you are in charge of the plan, you also have an opportunity to save money at the same time! We put the power back in your hands, not the insurance company’s.

Let’s Get Started

If you are interested in a plan that just makes sense for small business, contact us today and learn more about the IIS Health Insurance Consortium Health Plan.

Get Started. Contact Us.