Adding Rustic Charm to Your Modern Home
People often romanticize an old home, but buying one may require renovations – like putting in a new kitchen and new bathrooms and upgrading plumbing and heating systems - that can be costly. Similarly, the rooms in older homes were often built small to conserve heat, so interior walls must often be removed to make the house more livable by modern standards. Fortunately, it is easy to bring the charming characteristics of an old house to your modern home; architectural details that may include exposed beams, worn wood flooring, reclaimed wood countertops, reclaimed wood window and door trim, reclaimed wood paneling and furnishing that will surely become something to pass on to relatives, can all give a modern home the character of an older house. The combination of the old and the new is what gives a room personality. Decorators know that an eclectic mix of furnishing yields the most beautiful results. We, at Shenandoah Furniture Gallery, specialize in beautiful, authentic results. We can assist you by supplying the architectural details and interior furnishing that make your home look aged. #shenandoahfarmtables #architectural #reclaimed #reclaimedflooring #reclaimedbeams #reclaimedwoodpaneling #reclaimedcasings #reclaimedwoodcountertops #farmtables #custom #authentic #eclectic #slidingbarndoors
Preserving America’s Story, Building Yours